Summer OSM
Online eventTwice a year, all functions in EGEA meet to give our association a little boost! Teams, Congress Organisers, Regional Teams, Projects and so on - everyone comes together to discuss...
Twice a year, all functions in EGEA meet to give our association a little boost! Teams, Congress Organisers, Regional Teams, Projects and so on - everyone comes together to discuss...
Event Description Welkom, velkommen, benvinguts, добредојде, witajcie, laipni lūdzam, üdvözlet, From 10-25 september the Online AC 2021 takes place in the Netherlands. The Annual congress is the biggest event of the year...
21 General Assembly Meeting, you will get an overview of all proposals on which the GA will be voting.
The second session of the 2021 General Assembly Meeting will be about the financial overview of the past and coming year.
During the Proposal Café, we take our time to discuss the various proposals of the GA21 Meeting more in depth, and look further into necessary counter proposals.
JOIN VIA ZOOM Meeting ID: 875 7842 7623Passcode: 907308 Have you ever heard of Guerilla Gardening? “Gardening in the public space with or without permission” is possible in many...
The third session of the 2021 General Assembly Meeting, is the voting session. Here, all entities are required to cast their vote on all of the discussed proposals.
Hey, Page is updated continuously. We strive to make it readable and full of valuable information for you. In the rush of today’s life, we often forget what’s really important....
Welcome to the offical web page of EGEA's Annual Congress 2022 organized by EGEA Budapest, EGEA Cluj-Napoca, EGEA Debrecen, EGEA Izmır and EGEA Timisoara. You can follow us on Instagram...
EGEA Tartu is glad to welcome you in (hopefully) snowy Tartu for this year's Winter OSM. Live event happens from 2nd to 4th of December. The Winter Organisation and Strategy...
Next year's Eastern Regional Congress will have the theme 'Living in the Mountains', as the event will showcase the authentic mountainous life in Romania. Through the workshops, the participants will...
With an ongoing change in our climate European weather has become more and more unpredictable in recent years. As extreme weather events will occur increasingly it is time for societies to face those challenges. We are in urgent need to adapt and Prepare for the Extreme!
Inspired by EGEA’s theme year 2023 “Water for Life”, we wanted to dedicate the congress to the Baltic Sea as it connects our lovely North and Baltic region into one....
EuroMed Regional Congress 2023 - Managing Tourism and Heritage If you want to know more about the EuroMed Regional Congress in 2023, keep scrolling!For more information, follow us on Instagram...
We welcome you to the Annual Congress 2023 at Attersee, Austria, between 4th and 9th September 2023. We will provide you with a variety of workshops, excursions and networking events...
EGEA is part of our identity, it’s a family that is offering a supportive, intercultural environment for young people that encourages them to step up and take ownership of the future. EGEA is also a European geography association that aims to strengthen the strategic position of Geography in Europe. Being EGEAns not just means to study geography but to identify as geographers, because we believe in what we are doing. Our success is built on the work each EGEAn is putting into this great association to build an innovative and better future for all.
Latest News The Open Call for Workshopleaders and Trainers has started and is open until the 31th of December. For those of you who already have an idea for a...
Nature is boundless and rarely has rigid lines of division. Instead, it unfolds in a slow gradient, transitioning from one ecosystem to another, thus creating nice harmony without hard edges and boundaries. This year's NBRC topic is Ecotones - the meeting and transition points between ecosystems or cultures. Let's meet and explore nature together!
The Alps are one of the most important, but also threatened ecosystems in Europe. Withincreasing pressures in the form of tourism, traffic, urban development, and climatechange, this fragile region needs...
Within the framework of the Czech EGEA entities, we decided to organize a congress dedicated to the topic of Mobility shifts. We wish to take you on an adventure to discover how has mobility changed in the past.
EGEA Tartu will host N&B Regional Team live meeting in Tartu.
Dear EGEAns,from the 30th of May to the 2nd of June, the Summer Organisation and Strategy Meeting (SOSM) will take place in Göttingen. During the Event we will have several...
Introduction Hello and welcome to the official web page of the Western Regional Congress 2025 hosted by EGEA Leuven and EGEA Brussels! The strategic location of Flanders in Europe has...
Welcome to the website of EGEA Annual Congress 2025. Here we will show you our plans for the congress and provide you with all the information you need. We will...