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13 August 2021 from 12:00 to 15 August 2021 from 17:00 EEST

EGEA Baltic Weekend is an annual international event, which gathers EGEA members from Baltic states. Latvian geographers started this tradition in 2010 and every year Baltic Weekend flag is taken by another Baltic country. This year – Lithuania’s turn!

Nevertheless it is Baltic, all EGEA members from European countries are also very welcome!

This year Baltic Weekend will take place in beautiful Nemunas Loops Regional Park on 13-15 th August 2021. Together we explore the beautiful park’s nature and surroundings of Birštonas, go kayaking in Verknė river and enjoy each other’s company in a live EGEA event again!

Participant fee – 55 euros. This fee covers transportation Vilnius-Birštonas-Vilnius, accommodation (https://www.camping.lt/campings/naturcamp), food and a program.

Registration form: https://forms.gle/YguLkfiikvuneVnr7

For more information contact EGEA Vilnius via here, Facebook or Instagram. 

! This event is open just for EGEA members who have a Digital Green Certificate.

P.S. After successful registration to the weekend, you will be added to event’s Facebook group where you could find detailed information.

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