egea Alumni meetup in antwerp


Hello Alumni, hello EGEA!

Finally, after a long time of EGEA-abstinence, some of us EGEA Alumni were able to meet again live in Antwerp, Belgium. A big thanks to the organisers Martijn, Sveta, Kristel and Tom for this amazing event! In the attached minutes you can read about what’s been going on in EGEA Alumni in the last two years (spoiler: not a lot) and what will be going on in the future (spoiler: a lot). Together with that, you’ll find some useful information on the Mentoring Project (credits to Gabriela) as well as a beautifully made financial report (credits to Bella).

To those that ask themselves what the heck EGEA Alumni is about: EGEA Alumni is an informal network of former EGEAns. We organise various international networking events, e. g. the annual alumni meetup. You can find a brief factsheet below. If you have any questions, just write us on or in the forum 🙂

In the name of the Board of Alumni: See you sometime, somewhere in Europe!


Picture credits: Martijn, Jeroen, Florian, Tomas

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