Voting Results for BoE and RCPs 2022/2023

Dear entities

hereby we present you the results of the voting for the board of EGEA and the Regional Contact Persons for next year.

Board of EGEA:

President elect with 100% in favour: Henrik Stein

Vice President elect with 100% in favour: Josefa Loreth

Secretary elect with 100% in favour: Jared Young

Treasurer elect with 100% in favour: Sigrid Paavle

Event Advisor elect with 98.2% in favour: Patrycja Sokolowska

Public Relations Advisor elect with 100% in favour: Daniela Kebertova


East RCP elect with 84.6% in favour: Ondrej Mika

EuroMed RCP elect with 88.9% in favour: Leon Puljevic

North& Baltic RCP elect with 100% in favour: Veera Niemi

West RCP elect with 100% in favour: Runa Witte

Thank you to all candidates and congratulations to all elects!

the BoE 21/22

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