Open Call Proposals Ga’22

Categories:BoE AnnouncementsCongressesOpen Call

Dear EGEAns, 

It is time to announce the open call for Proposal. Proposals can be submitted until August 23rd 23:59 CEST to Please follow the Proposal template below and send the details to the main contact person for the Proposal. 

Everyone in EGEA can submit a proposal. 

Proposals explanation

Do you have an idea how to change or improve something in EGEA? Did you notice something from the Protocol, its appendices or a different policy document which doesn’t make sense or is outdated? Is there a rule which you want to change or clarify?

NOW is your chance to change it!

Each year during the General Assembly at the Annual Congress, we vote for policy and policy changes in our association. A separate proposal has to be made for each policy change, new policy document and regulations change. For example, you can think about: 

  • Adjustments to the Protocol and the Appendices
    • Think about topics such as adjustments to mandates of official positions, adjustments to regulations for the Entity Ranking List or adjustments to the Code of Conduct
  • The annual Policy Paper and budget of the Board & RCPs elect
  • Adjustments or renewal of long-term policy plans, e.g. the HR Strategy or the Financial Strategy
  • Approving or discharging of member entities 

Each member entity has the right to vote on the proposals during the General Assembly, so we democratically vote for changes in the association and related policy and regulations.

Practical information

The General Assembly takes place during the 13th, 14th and 16th of September at the Annual Congress in Hungary. During these dates Proposals are presented and voted upon.

Follow this link to find instructions on how to write a proposal on official document changes: 

Follow this link to find the proposal template. Please download it to your computer before editing: . You could find it as well in the Master Folder.

Please double check your proposal on spelling mistakes, grammar, interpunction etc. After the proposal deadline is over, no changes can be made to the text, unless you write a new amendment or counter proposal to your proposal later.

If you want to write a proposal, please don’t hesitate to contact Esther, the Vice President of EGEA ( She coordinates the Proposals submission and can help translate your idea into a proposal. Furthermore, she has the overview of which proposals are worked on already, so if there is someone with a similar idea she can connect you. 

Sunny greetings,

Micol, Esther, Marie & Stan 

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