Open Call for Financial Control Commission

The call for the Financial Control Commission (FCC) 22/23 is open! The application period runs between July 11th and August 15th. If you are interested in finances and you would like to work in an international team, we invite you to apply for the job of the FCC 22/23!

What is the FCC?

The Financial Control Commission (FCC) checks EGEA’s finances, such as the balance sheet, invoices and financial health of our Association. You are in close contact with the Treasurer and the Congress Organisers.  

This position is vital for EGEA. You will get very quickly a deep insight into the organisation and the administrative work behind EGEA, e.g. the use of donated money and sponsorships, and the related administration.

You can find more information about the tasks of the FCC in the Statutory Base, Article 14. 

Is this something for you?

You will enjoy this function, if you like to check numbers and balances. It is helpful (but not mandatory!), if you have experience with financial management e.g. if you were treasurer for your entity, or financial coordinator of an event. Of course you will also get help with this in the beginning of the position year from the previous FCC. Skills for FCC can be acquired quite fast. 

In general you are:

  • Detail-oriented
  • Good with numbers
  • A team worker, the FCC consists of 2 to 4 persons
  • Independent, you will ask for balances and financial information from Congress organisers and EGEA’s treasurer
  • Reliable, it is one of the most important administrative functions in EGEA

Note! People in following positions cannot simultaneously be members of the FCC in the same year: Board Members, Advisory Board members, Regional Contact Persons, Individuals from the entity(-ies) which is (are) organising a Regional Congress (EGEA Berlin, EGEA Jena, EGEA Bamberg, EGEA Halle, EGEA Iasi, EGEA Cluj-Napoca, EGEA Timișoara, EGEA Bucharest, EGEA Tartu, EGEA Turku, EGEA Zagreb), Individuals from the entity(-ies) which is (are) organising the Annual Congress, The Secretariat Coordinator.

How to apply?

Each region can have one representative in the FCC. The FCC requires a minimum of two persons, but is usually composed of four persons (Each region one representative). So, it is one of the most internationally diverse teams in EGEA. 

To apply, please send your applications to until 15th of August, 23:59 CEST. The application needs to contain the region you will represent and your motivation for this position. Maximum length is 250 words. 

The FCC members will be approved during the General Assembly in Hungary, However, the open call is not limited only to persons attending the General Assembly (your application can still be approved in your absence).

For any questions, don’t hesitate to send a question to the Board or the current FCC team:

  • Jonas Martens (EGEA Brussels)
  • Daniela Kebertova (EGEA Prague)
  • Rita Usachyova (EGEA St Petersburg)

We are looking forward to seeing your applications!

Micol, Esther, Marie & Stan

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