
Dear EGEAns,

Today we have an important announcement for you to read.

Here is the message for you from Luana 

When I was elected as Treasurer, I was very happy and motivated. I hoped to make a good contribution. Unfortunately, things came differently: My life has been very turbulent and stressful for the major part of this EGEA Year. At the same time, after two years of pandemic and with a war in Europe, our association demands some extra attention. Extra attention, which I‘m unable to provide due to personal circumstances. This has been weighing on me heavily, because those who know me know that I‘m holding myself to very high standards. Nevertheless, I feel that I owe it to all of you as well as to myself to acknowledge that I am no longer able to fulfil my mandate. Therefore, I have made the very difficult decision to resign as a board member on 3 May, effective immediately. I would like to thank everyone who has been supportive of me during my time on the Board and EGEA in general.

Following my resignation, the remaining board members will distribute the Treasurer’s duties among themselves, according to SB Article 11.4.1. I will ensure to the best of my ability that they have everything necessary to do so. 

Thank you for your understanding,


Here, the message from the remaining board members

The remaining board members thank Luana for the work done until May and understand the decision taken. We keep working together, even more closely than before, doing our best for our amazing association.

On a more practical side, this will be a hard and busy time for us. For this reason we need your help and patience!

You are always welcome to contact us, personally or via email, but it will sometimes take longer.

Regarding all the treasurer tasks, we are already working on a division, but also on getting a new bank access since we don’t have one at the moment, and fixing the legal consequences following the Dutch law. For this we need you: 

1st if you are expecting some information or money from EGEA, text us both at and at;

2nd be patient, it will take some time! 

3rd we will send you all the membership fee details as soon as we have the bank access and information to send you!

We also would like to take this opportunity to deeply thank the Advisory Board and everyone that helped us, especially for the advice on the legal actions required.

Your Board,

Micol, Esther, Marie and Stan

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