[Closed OPEN CALL] Team coordinators: Tech Team, Training Team

Categories:BoE AnnouncementsOpen CallTeams & Projects

Dear EGEA’ns,

The EGEA Europe Team 21/22 is almost complete, will you be the one filling up one of the remaining open positions? 

You can apply for: 

  • Tech Team Coordinator
  • Training Team Coordinator

Please continue reading to find out more about these positions. Enough applicants have been found. The call is closed.

Willingness to learn is most the important skill for a coordinator, no experience is needed! There’s much support in the association to figure out how it works, e.g. older team members, the board and the other coordinators, who are happy to help you out and who will make you feel welcome! Every volunteer is important to EGEA, so if you feel motivated to get involved actively in EGEA on European level, join our team!

Read below the information about this Open Call. For questions, don’t hestitate reaching out to the board (egea@egea.eu or send a message to Esther de Winter) or the personal contacts of the teams!

  • Contact for questions about Tech Team: Luana Schena (EGEA Zürich)
  • Contact for questions about Training Team: Marek Kasner (EGEA Prague)

Why should you become a coordinator?

  • You work in an international team and get friendships all over Europe
  • You get fixed places for official EGEA events
  • You learn new skills & brush up your CV (project management, communication, English etc.)
  • For Tech Team: You will learn how to work with a Content Management System
  • For Training Team: You will have the opportunity to become a Trainer
  • Also, it’s a great way to start your EGEA Europe career

What does a coordinator do?

  • You organize the meetings and the work of the Team
  • You participate in the meetings with the other Team Coordinators
  • You communicate well with the rest of the EGEA Team
  • You show enthusiasm and willingness to learn
  • You make sure to work on the mission of your Team

But you are not alone in this, did you know there are five Board members, 4 Regional Teams and 10+ other coordinators to help you out?

The Tech Team is responsible for the webpage of EGEA and our Google Suite. The team consists of some very experienced members (about 5 active members), and they would like to see a new coordinator (or two) joining the team to keep an overview of the work and the meetings. Last year a new webpage was created, which means all the advantages of a modern web page and Content Management System (CMS) are implemented. You don’t need coding skills for this team, because we work with a CMS. The webpage is extremely important for EGEA as it is our own platform where we share all information of what is happening in the association. The experienced members and easy-to-use webpage CMS make it possible to get smoothly started in this team!

If you like to help EGEA behind the scenes and work with the most important infrastructure of EGEA, then this is something for you!

The Training Team is responsible for organizing activities to increase personal skills and competences, such as public speaking , creativity and time management. The Team already has one coordinator (Marek Kasner, EGEA Prague) and two active members. A second coordinator would be a great pair of extra hands in achieving the aims of the team! Coming year they wish to organize a Training New Trainers event, which means you can even become a Youth Trainer yourself! 

If you are enthusiastic about personal development and informal learning, then this is something for you!

Write a brief application (maximum one page), including:

  • Introduction of yourself
  • Motivation and time availability
  • Relevant (EGEA) experience 

If you are still new in EGEA, we also encourage you to apply! There’s many people to help you find your way. Motivation is most important. 

Send your application to before October 24th 23:59CEST: 

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