Call for Newbie Weekend Organisers

Categories:BoE AnnouncementsEventsOpen Call

After a long time with few live activities, we are excited to start the open call for Newbie Weekends again! Hopefully, we can slowly start recovering a bit from the Covid-19 pandemic and from missing each other for so long.  We would like to offer all newbies the opportunity to join Newbie Weekends all over Europe to get to know EGEA, learn about our traditions, the opportunities EGEA offers, make friends and get inspired by the EGEA spirit!

The call is extended until 4 September 23.59 CEST!

Why should you do it?

It’s super fun, and all your own newbies live closest and don’t have to travel far! 

What support can you expect?

  • The Regional Teams and EPRA will help you in any way they can during the organisational process.
  • The RCPs and Inclusion Team will provide you with the necessary presentations about EGEA. Training Team can support you if you want to organise a training.
  • You will receive official EGEA promotional material for your event.

What should the event look like?

  • All newbie weekends should be open for international participants, if covid-restrictions allow this. For instance, at least 10 places can be reserved for international participants.
  • Open for everybody, from every country and from every region. (provided covid allows travelling)
  • Between late October and mid-December. 
  • At least 3 days (can be longer).
  • There should be different (fun) ways to get to know EGEA better (games, interactive presentations, …). Training sessions about topics are recommended (e.g. “how to survive cultural fair”, “get to know the website”, “public speaking”).
  • Because of covid, preference goes to several smaller newbie weekends, with for example rather 15 than 30 participants each.
  • Include clear covid-guidelines and requirements on your event on the website (e.g. negative PCR-test or covid-vaccin necessary)

How to apply?

Send your application via e-mail to by the 4 September, 23:59 CEST. Your application should include:

  • Possible location and amount of participants
  • Possible dates (you can propose several possible dates)
  • Approximate budget and participation fee
  • Draft of the program with a short explanation for the different points
  • Short motivation letter

The Board and RCPs will together evaluate received applications and announce the decision shortly after the deadline. There should be at least one newbie weekend per region, but can be more.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your Regional Team.

We are looking forward to reading your applications,
The Board and Regional Teams 2020/2021

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