Call for Financial Control Commission 21/22

Categories:BoE AnnouncementsOpen Call

The call for the Financial Control Commission (FCC) 21/22 is open! The call is extended until the Regional Meeting on 20 September 19.00 CEST!

What is the FCC?

The Financial Control Commission (FCC) checks EGEA’s finances, such as the balance sheet, invoices and financial health of our Association. You are in close contact with the Treasurer and the Congress Organisers.  

This position is different from others in the organisation. You will get very quickly a deep insight into the organisation and the administrative work which stands behind, e.g. the use of grant money and the related administration.

You can find more about information about the tasks of the FCC in the Statutory Base, Article 13.

Who can apply for FCC?

This function requires having a little knowledge in financial management, reading financial documents and a general affinity to numbers. Of course you will also get help with this in the beginning of the position year.

We need one person from each region, with a minimum of 3 people in total for FCC. 

How to apply?

If you are interested in being part of the FCC 2020/2021 team,  Please send your applications to until 4 September, 23:59 CEST! The application needs to contain the region you will represent and your motivation for this position. 

The FCC members will be approved during the online Regional Meeting on the 20th of September.

The open call is not limited only to persons attending GA (your letter can still be approved during the Regional Meeting, and the GA also can approve you in your absence).

For any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the Treasurer Alexander Basten ( or the current FCC team:

  • Tibor Barabas (EGEA Leuven)
  • Dániel Juhasz (EGEA Debrecen)
  • Snezna Dakskobler (EGEA Ljubljana)

The current FCC will be discharged during the e-GA and a new one will be elected to be in charge with checking our Association’s finances.

If you are interested in accounting and finances and you would like to work in an international team, we invite you to apply for the job of the FCC 21/22!

We are looking forward to seeing your applications!

Your BoE 2020/2021

Rhune, Victoria, Alex, Daria

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