Call for AC22 organisers
Categories:BoE AnnouncementsCongressesOpen Call
We are looking for organising entities for the AC22! Are YOU up for this challenge? Read below everything about the requirements and application process! The call is extended until the last GA session, 25 September 14.00h CEST!
What is the Annual Congress?
The Annual Congress is the biggest event of EGEA. Representatives from all regions and nearly all entities as well as official bodies of EGEA come together to discuss and work on the future development of our association. It is the most diverse event of EGEA and offers a platform for all participants to exchange knowledge and experience while also taking part in excursions, workshops and a broad scientific program.
We are looking forward to your applications!
Greetings from your Board,
Rhune, Victoria, Alex, Daria
* due to summer holidays and fieldwork not all of us are always reachable, so please mail to Daria is not reachable until the 13th of august, but Rhune, Victoria and Alex will gladly help you meanwhile!
We’re looking forward to see our successors organise a physical EGEA Congress again! ❤️