Official documents
Here you can find the latest official EGEA documents. If you have any questions about these documents, feel free to contact the Vice-President (vicepresident@egea.eu).
Here you can find the latest official EGEA documents. If you have any questions about these documents, feel free to contact the Vice-President (vicepresident@egea.eu).
AC | Annual Congress |
BoE | Board of EGEA |
CP | Contact Person |
CPT | Contact Person Training |
EG | European Geographer |
EGEA | European Geography Association |
EMRC | EuroMed Regional Congress |
EPRA | Event and PR Advisor |
ERC | Eastern Regional Congress |
ERL | Entity Ranking List |
EuroMed | Euro-Mediterranean Region |
FCC | Financial Control Committee |
GA | General Assembly |
GAW | Geography Awareness Week |
LM | Live meeting |
N&B | North&Baltic Region |
NBRC | North&Baltic Regional Congress |
OSM | Organisation and Strategy Meeting |
RA | Regional Assistant |
RC | Regional Congress |
RCP | Regional Contact Person |
RM | Regional Meeting |
RT | Regional Team |
WebAdmins | Website Administrators |
WRC | Western Regional Congress |