Geography Awareness week 2022


As every year, we would like to invite you to take part in the Geography Awareness Week (GAW) that is going to take place between the 14th and 20th of November 2022! 

This week is thought to raise geographical awareness, and we invite you to prepare some interesting activities (online and offline). See the GAW infopage of the National Geographic to learn more. We encourage you to organise events on any topic connected with geography and participate in this year’s competition!

Who can participate?
Your local group can organise anything you are interested in – and you can also include other local associations, Sponsors, Partners, your University…

We also are not going to be alone, EGEA (European Geography Association for students and young geographers), AFNEG (an association which gathers local student associations of Geography across France) and GeoDACH (an association of German-speaking geography students) are working together really closely to make this GAW amazing!

What can you organise?
There are so many possibilities, for example:
     > lecture
     > workshop
     > excursion
     > city game
     > geoquiz
     > mapathon
     > presentation for students
     > share some interesting geographical facts about your entities/cities on Social Media
     > GIS workshops (the 16th is the GIS day)
and many more, you can be creative. All live and online!

This year we will also have a competition and there will be prizes for events that have the coolest cooperation, events that are most educational/scientific and the most original event. Further, there will be two special categories, one for the best newcomer (so if you never organised an event this is your chance) and one for the best overall concept of the whole GAW.

If you have any questions related to this, please contact us via

Follow @afneg.geo@egea_europe and @geo.dach on Instagram for more updates on the GAW and use #EUGAW2022 to show us what you organised!

The boards of EGEA, AFNEG and GeoDACH

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