OPen call to host the tnt

Hello, motivated people!

The EGEA Training Team and IAAS are looking for an entity to host the 2023/24 Training New Trainers! It is a training event especially designed for everyone who is interested in gaining some skills as a Trainer. As hosting entity you provide accommodation, food, and logistic support for the trainers. You can also create a relaxed evening program and/or an excursion in collaboration with the trainers. For more detailed information about what your tasks would be as the host entity please check out this manual for TNT hosts!

Main Information 

  • When: in November 2023 or February/March 2024, for six days

  • Where: In your city or someplace with good public transportation system

  • Who: between 15-30 Participants, 5 or more trainers 

  • Budget: preferably participants shouldn’t pay more than 100-150€

If you are interested in hosting the TNT please fill out this application form until the 15th of July!

Love, Training Team and IAAS! 🐯💙

draft programm: