The EGEA Support Fund is a fund, for which EGEAns can apply, to make their attendance at administrative or scientific EGEA events financially easier. The money is collected through voluntary donations. You can donate at EGEA events, via the Donate Section on the website (PayPal) or bank transfer. All EGEAns (excluding BoE and RCP’s) are free to apply for the fund.

The support fund aims to help every EGEAns that need a bit of help for taking part in official events. If you want to participate in Congresses, CP trainings or live meetings, but you need some Financial help, here you can find what you need!
Please contact the EGEA Board if you want your donation to be used specificially for the Support Fund!
Click the donate button below to donate.
You can also donate via bank transfer. This way, no fees will be deducted from your donation and EGEA will receive the full amount. Our banking information:
Name: EGEA Europe
IBAN: NL30 ABNA 0501 6211 64
Everyone going to an official event can ask for the support fund except the officials of EGEA.
You can apply especially if you are your entity representative, or you will have an active role during the event! The only thing you will have to do is to participate actively in the event, going to the Majority of the training and of the activities!
The time period for applying starts and closes at the same time the event registration happens. So while you are thinking of registering you should also think to apply for the SF!