You’re not alone

This section is created to help you with realising events you would like to organise easier. Any feedback on how to make it easier for event organisers to plan events, or if there is some missing information, please do not hesitate to contact the Events Team.

Step 1: thinking of organizing an event?

Before you start organising an event, please check out these manuals. They will help you be better prepared and be able to organise your team. It does not matter how small or large your event will be, or how experienced your team is, always check the manuals out to get a good refresher on what to do and not to do when organising an event for EGEAns.

Step 2: Organizing the event

  • Make sure that the event is on the event calendar, and if you need any help with promotion be sure to reach out to Media Team.
  • Consider the nature of your event: If the event is scientific, contact Science Team for input, help or general promotion of your activity to the right channels, if you would like to improve your event’s ecological footprint check out the Green Book or EGEA Green, if you would like to have some soft skill trainings for your members check out Training Team, and if you need help with making an event more newbie friendly check out Inclusion Team.

Step 3: Event follow-up

Since the events you organise can give your entity ERL points, we highly recommend that you report your event as soon as this has happened through this link.

This link can also be shared with your event’s participants so that you can get some feedback on the event you just organised and how to make any future events better. The sooner you send this form to participants, the more responses you will get!