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What is EGEA 2.0?
EGEA is part of our identity, it’s a family that is offering a supportive, intercultural environment for young people that encourages them to step up and take ownership of the future. EGEA is also a European geography association that aims to strengthen the strategic position of Geography in Europe. Being EGEAns not just means to study geography but to identify as geographers, because we believe in what we are doing. Our success is built on the work each EGEAn is putting into this great association to build an innovative and better future for all.
Financial support for congresses, refunding travel costs for official positions, hosting the EGEA website, merch, and giveaways, etc. all these things cost money. Therefore, the missing money from the EU Grant left a big hole on our bank account. For the last two years the Finance Team tried to find new long-term sponsors to plug this financial hole but had to realize how difficult it was getting long-term sponsors on board under the given structures.
This problem was the seed for many internal discussions about strengths, structural shortcomings and how we could go about fixing them and made us come up with a new project idea to address these challenges: EGEA 2.0. The project is now ready to be rolled out on the big floor, including every EGEAn in the process of finding sustainable long-term solutions. It addresses not only EGEA’s issue of eligibility to receive financial support, but also the communication strategy and visibility of our work in general to create new opportunities and make EGEA known and being an EGEAn valued beyond EGEA. This project wants to tackle all there is to EGEA and build a sustainable foundation that guarantees its future.
In this session we will mostly discuss and collect all strengths and weaknesses we as an organization show and the ways we approach them today. Questions on EGEAs struggles and future will be elaborated on this session, where we try to understand current dynamics and structures and initiate a transformation towards a stronger, more financially stable, and resilient association with even more great opportunities for our members.
This is the time and place for every EGEAn to express their concerns about EGEAs current state. We would love to hear how you envision EGEA in 5 years and what concrete ideas you have.
We are looking forward to holding this session online, enabling even more EGEAns to participate and making this process more democratic. Maybe after this OSM session you are curious about working on EGEAs future and want to be part of this project. 😊
Thank you for your consideration and support,
Wiebke and Carola
Finance Team Coordinators