1st Boe Meeting 2022/2023 Agenda

Category:BoE Announcements

Dear EGEA,

The AC in Hungary finished one week ago. This doesn’t mean, however, that everything is said and done. In fact, now the real work starts, at least for the new BoE and all the new officials. That’s why, we as the new BoE will have our first meeting tomorrow, Sunday the 25th of September. Please find our proposed Agenda in this post. If you have anything else you would like us to discuss, just let us know by commenting this post.

  1. Feeling Round
  2. Group Agreement
  3. Cooperation with the AB
  4. General PR
  5. Working Groups
  6. Year Plan
  7. Events
  8. Next Meeting/ Live Meeting
  9. Missed Topics

Please note, that these are the overarching topics. Many of them combine different sub-topics, that you will find in more detail in the minutes of the meeting.


your new BoE 22/23

2/3 of the new BoE at the AC in Hungary

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