Proposals & Agenda General Assembly

Dear entities, representatives, EGEAns,

In this announcement you will find the information to share with your entity and your entity representative regarding the General Assembly (GA) at the Annual Congress (AC). Read it carefully and make sure that your representative is aware of all this information.

1. Proposals

You can read this year’s Proposalsfollowing this link:

This Year we have 13 proposals that will be voted upon during the GA. Read them carefully. Share them with your entity and your representative. During the first session of the GA you will be able to ask questions and give comments on all proposals, but if you already have or if you find any mistakes, please reply to this email to let us know. During the third session, we will vote upon them. It’s your entity’s vote, to approve or not approve them. Make sure your representative knows what your entity wishes to vote for.

Do you think one of these proposals needs some changes? Let us know and write a counter proposal or an amendment until the 14th September 20:00CEST!! If you need the .docx file for a certain proposal, get in touch with us.

Please find the discussion forums here: [only accessible for logged in users]

Note: The budget 2022/23 will be uploaded in the folder later due to unforeseen circumstances.

2. Agenda

You can read this year’s GA Agendain the Master folder, follow this link:

Just like in previous years, we will have 3 sessions:

  • Session 1: Introduction, Proposal Overview and presentations from bodies of EGEA
  • Session 2: Financial Overview & Applications
  • Session 3: Voting session

3. Be present

REMEMBER attending all 3 sessions and voting is mandatory for all Representatives and Officials!!

If you are not able to join the Annual Congress, find a Proxy entity to vote at your place and let us know e.g. replying to this email before the 3rd of September.

Other persons present at the Annual Congress could come as a guest. Remember that always the representative will be the one allowed to talk on behalf of the entity. Per agenda item, a speaker is granted to comment and question once due to time-restriction of the GA, so make use of the speaking right wisely. The moderator of the GA will take care of the time management of the GA. See the Appendix A of the protocol.

4. Open Call Annual Congress Organizers 2023

We would like to have your attention for the extended open call for Annual Congress Organizers 2023. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, requiring hard-work and a good motivation. But it is also a special job in which you can have a lot of fun and learn about yourself as a person and grow in project management. Please find the open call information here:

5. Questions

If you have questions about the GA or other topics you can always contact your Regional Team or the Board (


BoE 21/22,

Micol, Esther, Marie & Stan

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