Time to show off what the Team or Project is made of
Do EGEAns know of my Team/Project?
Throughout the year, you and your Team/Project have to show what you are
working on. In order to be successful, try to be creative with your promotional
materials, set up a strategy of what and how often you post on social media. The
more visible you are the easier it will be for EGEAns to understand what you are doing.
Incoming: Regional Congresses
One of the best opportunities for promotion comes with a personal touch.
During Regional Congresses Teams/Projects are generally presented with the
opportunity to present their Team/Project, projects, members, during the activity called
“EGEA Fair”. The setup can differ a little bit but generally imagine a room with tables
crowded by your members, promotional materials and of course, the target, EGEAns.
The Annual Congress is coming!
A few weeks before the AC you have to make sure you have already made your
inputs to the Annual Report, as well as submit a short presentation to the Vice
President as part of the General Assembly.
Keep in mind that there is again an EGEA fair at the Annual Congress.
Therefore you should prepare the Team/Project to seize the most it can from the
opportunity. Work together with the Vice President and the other Team/Project
representatives to ensure the edition manages to exceed initial expectations.
The first few weeks after AC
If you have done your job well, then a couple of members are motivated to take
up the task of becoming a representative for this upcoming year. What happens next?
You already know that, transition!
How to pass on to the next generation
Every year there is an open call for representatives. Some people decide to step
back or go for another opportunity while others are stepping up to lead the
Team/Project. In essence, you will have to organise the open call for applications and
the elections for the representatives, as well as offer the newly elected
representatives a proper transition consisting of one or more meetings where you
share the experience and wisdom you have gained. Make sure you provide sufficient
time for people to apply, to read the applications, and to vote.
Ending words
Unfortunately, even the best written document has its shortcomings. Clearly, you
will have to manage situations throughout the year that cannot be typically included in a
manual for obvious reasons. Same goes for university. You learn the basics, and then
you have to figure out how it works in practice.
Good luck! And don’t forget to have fun!