General information about EGEA
EGEA is the European GEography Association which forms a network for geography students and young geographers around Europe to exchange knowledge and information about topics in the broad field of geography. Today, there are local entities in more than 90 cities in several countries, divided into four regions. This Association started in 1987, when students from the universities of Warsaw, Barcelona and Utrecht met with the idea to have a network to exchange their geographical knowledge between several countries in Europe. One year later, in 1988, EGEA was officially registered as a foundation with its chair in Utrecht, Netherlands. From then on, it has supported young geographers in discovering their potential as young scientists. This opportunity to also develop personally is given through: the possibility to explore European countries in an easy and cheap way, the exchange of members and their different cultures, the chance to make new friends and work with other students on European, national and local level, as well as to establish a European network. To achieve these goals, EGEAns organize numerous geography-related activities throughout the year. These include congresses, student exchanges between entities, seminars, scientific symposiums, training events, expeditions and excursions, which are all fun alternatives to the “formal” geography education at the university. These EGEA activities vary in scientific and recreational content, and they are founded in the spirit of respecting the principles of equality, diversity and non-discrimination. Other main values are the encouragement of curiosity and the spread of inspiration. EGEAns also publish a monthly newsletter and our own magazine, the European Geographer. Additionally, EGEA actively contributes towards strengthening geography’s position in society by promoting the discipline through its organizational network and strategic partnerships. EGEA brings together young geographers in an atmosphere of respect, inclusion and personal development. This inspires global understanding of environmental and social processes and enables us to bring about a positive impact on society.
Structure of EGEA
EGEA consists of member entities, which are based in cities where one can study
geography, and are represented by their two Contact Persons (CPs). Entities belong to
one of the four regions in EGEA which are coordinated by the four Regional Teams (RTs).
The whole Association is managed by the Board of EGEA (BoE). Regional Teams and the
Board of EGEA are part of the Organization and Strategy Commission (OSC), which is a
place for cooperation for all official bodies of the Association. The OSC also includes the
following bodies: the Secretariat Team, the Grant Team, the WebAdmin Team, the
Committees, the Annual Congress organizers, the Regional Congress organizers and the
Financial Control Commission.
The General Assembly (GA), the highest decisive body of EGEA, takes place at least once
per year during the Annual Congress. In the General Assembly new entities are approved
and inactive ones discharged. Also matters of the Association are discussed and voted
upon via proposals. At the GA all approved member entities can cast their vote. The Board
of EGEA is voted upon before the General Assembly via e-voting by all entities. Regional
Contact Persons are voted upon by their region’s entities.
At the General Assembly, the Board of EGEA elect, the Regional Teams elect, the members
of the Financial Control Commission and the Secretariat Coordinator are approved. There
are also regional decisions, which are taken during the Regional Meetings at Regional
Congresses or during the Annual Congress. Every region appoints its representative for
the Financial Control Commission and votes upon the organizing entity of the next year's
Regional Congress. The organizing entity of the Annual Congress is elected by the General
Assembly. Representatives or coordinators of Committees, Website Administrators,
Grant Team and Congresses are chosen by the respective body and do not need the
approval of the General Assembly.
The Board of EGEA (BoE) consists of five persons: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and the event & public relations advisor. The BoE is elected every year by all member entities and is approved by the General Assembly during the Annual Congress. The Board represents and is the executive body of the Association. The Board is also supported by the Secretariat Team which is based at the EGEA headquarters in Utrecht and led by the Secretariat Coordinator. Click on the word for more information about Board or Secretariat director.
The President is the main representative of the Association, insures good connections among the Board members, and verifies the Board’s progress. The President is the mediator of the Board and creates its agenda for the live and e-meetings. He/she is also the main link between the BoE and the Supporting Roles.
Vice President
The Vice President acts as the President during his/her absence. The general duties of this position include checking and ensuring that the actions of the BoE are in accordance with the Statutory Base and Protocol of the Association. Additionally, the Vice President is the main communication link to all the committees and projects.
The Secretary's main tasks are to take the minutes of the BoE’s meetings and report the actions of the Association to its members. In addition to that, he/she is the link in between the BoE and the Regional Teams and is responsible for the Annual Report.
The Treasurer is in control of the Association's finances in cooperation with the rest of the Board. Furthermore, he/she is in charge of planning the budget which is controlled by the Financial Control Commission. He/she is also in charge of the reimbursements for travel costs and other purposes.
Event & Public Relations Advisor
This position involves duties like communication with the congress organizers and the partners of EGEA. Furthermore he/she is charge of the internal and external visibility of the Association.